Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique: Gum surgery Treatment

Gums can recede for several reasons, such as genes, intense brushing, and periodontal disease. Get treatment if your receding gums are exposing your roots. 

Due to the hypersensitivity brought on by exposed roots, they are more prone to injury and bacterial infections, which can result in gum disease and other issues. It may also hurt when you smile. Most patients are happily surprised by how quickly the Chao Pinhole technique helped them improve.

Compared to conventional gum grafting, The Pinhole operation makes a tiny hole in the patient’s gum tissue and then utilizes a special tool to loosen the gum tissue through the hole extending and covering the root surface of the affected gum. Depending on how many teeth need treatment, each visit duration varies. 

One tooth tissue can be treated in roughly 10–20 minutes, and the entire operation is often finished in 1–2 hours maximum. Pain, swelling, and bleeding associated with the postoperative period are reduced because there are no cuts or stitches.


The benefits of the Chao Pinhole Surgery method

Chao Pinhole Surgery has numerous advantages including but not limited to:

– After treatment, the patient experiences less discomfort and recovers faster than with standard grafting.

– There are no stitches, no grafts, no cuts.

– Gives great natural-looking and long-lasting results.

–  Scalpel-free procedure to treat receding gums.

Who are the candidates for pinhole surgery?

Pinhole surgery may be an option for everyone who has receding gums, but a specialist
dentist can decide if the operation is appropriate for you too. In an ideal world, the patient
would be in good health condition, is a non-smoker, is not diabetic or has no immune illness,
have adequate connected gums, is periodontally in healthy condition and is free from decay,
and failing restorations, and is healthy overall. Bottom line, if the patient experiences any of the following, we may advise using this

– If gum recession is sensitive to cold temperatures and does not improve after using fluorides or desensitizing substances

– Your confidence is visually affected by your smile appearance.

– If your gum diseases are effectively treated

– If excessive tooth brushing caused the tissue to recede in the first place.

How many treatments does PST require?

The Chao Pinhole technique is typically finished in a single visit. The amount of time needed for therapy, however, varies according to how many teeth need to be treated. Call for a consultation and we will examine your teeth and let you know how long your procedure may take.

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What does recovery after PST look like?

Usually, Chao Pinhole gum treatment recovery requires a short period, for most patients typically one day. The holes in the patient’s gums heal pretty rapidly because there are no surgeries done with this gum recession therapy technique. After the procedure, patients mostly report little to no pain and discomfort. To prevent unexpected pain, we advise patients not to brush for a specified amount of time. Until the area is completely cured, consuming softer foods can help a lot.

Does insurance cover PST?

All forms of gum therapy are typically covered by dental insurance because they are
considered repair operations, which are medically required. Pinhole gum treatment might not
be covered by your insurance if you want it for cosmetic reasons. Before beginning treatment
for gum recession, or any other dental services, we advise our patients to get in touch with
our office. To facilitate your visit to mission Implant Center and obtain the service and care
that you need, we assigned our highly knowledgeable and experienced staff to help you file
insurance claims on your behalf and answer all your insurance-related questions for your
dental procedures to enhance your experience at our office.