LANAP Laser Treatment



PerioLase iPlus (LANAP)

We use the LANAP protocol to remove only the diseased tissue without removing any of the healthy parts, maintain the height of the tissue around teeth, minimize the pain and discomfort to the patient, get a closure of the periodontal pocket wound and allow healing to take place.

WaterLase iPlus

Most periodontal lasers cut tissue using heat. But the WaterLase iPlus cool cutting method combines
laser energy and a spray of water to cut soft tissue and bone without heat; therefore, patients
experience less swelling and post-operative sensitivity. WaterLase iPlus laser energy penetrates
tissues to seal blood vessels as it cuts. As soft tissue is comprised mostly of water, the iPlus laser
energy is absorbed immediately in the process of cutting without raising the temperature of the tissue.
Bone is also primarily made up of water and hydroxyapatite, so the iPlus cuts through bone without
heat as well.

WaterLase iPlus
Most periodontal lasers cut tissue using heat. But the WaterLase iPlus cool cutting method combines
laser energy and a spray of water to cut soft tissue and bone without heat; therefore, patients
experience less swelling and post-operative sensitivity. WaterLase iPlus laser energy penetrates
tissues to seal blood vessels as it cuts. As soft tissue is comprised mostly of water, the iPlus laser
energy is absorbed immediately in the process of cutting without raising the temperature of the tissue.
Bone is also primarily made up of water and hydroxyapatite, so the iPlus cuts through bone without
heat as well.

EPIC Diode Laser

While the Waterlase iPlus laser is used in medical and dental procedures, the EPIC Diode Laser is designed specifically for dentistry, and rarely requires local anesthesia. In brief, here is how EPIC works: Micropulses of laser energy are generated as fast as one-ten-millionths of a second. These shorter, more powerful pulses create additional time for the tissue to relax, which increases patient comfort during certain procedures.
This lower-level laser is also ideal for procedures that require less power or heat, such as teeth whitening. Cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening have become as important to some of our patients as restoring functionality, and we are pleased to include this highly effective, in-office whitening method on our list of services.

How LANAP works

LANAP is an FDA-patented protocol that can only be done with a PerioLase laser. We useĀ LANAP at Mission Dental Implant Center which uses digitally controlled pulse durations to produce an accurate amount of energy for treatment. This laser is the only FDA-approved laser for bone and tissue regeneration.


LANAP can offer patients with periodontal diseases a regenerative treatment option that is
more cosmetic, more aesthetically appealing, more cost-effective, and less invasive, with
results that can match conventional bone grafting and guided bone regeneration. Regarding
cosmetics, LANAP helps preserve most of the gum tissues supporting the teeth, unlike other
treatments that require traditional flap access.

Treat Loose Tooth

Generally, there are few options for treating a loose tooth. Dentists used to recommend tooth
extraction surgery, which can be painful and invasive. But at mission dental center, we use
LANAP, which creates an alternative to painful surgery. The LANAP technology is
noninvasive, meaning that no tissue or teeth will be affected by the procedure. Using the
PerioLase, the dentist can kill the bacteria and infection in the gums and stimulate a natural
healing process. With the decrease in harmful bacteria and cell stimulation, the bone and gum
structure can start to regenerate around the loose tooth.


LANAP is a practical treatment method for failing implants or peri-implantitis because it
treats the infection of the bone and gum. With the laser, the dentist can adjust the settings and
light exposure to stabilize the implants while eliminating periodontal pathogens and

How Does LANAP Work to Improve the Health of My Smile?

Before we begin your LANAP procedure, your teeth are thoroughly cleaned to remove any tartar to make the tissue as healthy as possible. During your treatment, the dentist uses the PerioLase laser to find any diseased tissue in the gums. The laser kills pathogens (the bacteria which cause the disease) without harming the good cells.

How Do I Know If LANAP is Right for Me?

LANAP provides a pleasant dental experience and better outcomes than any other conventional periodontal surgery. You will experience less swelling or bleeding, and more comfort than with traditional periodontitis surgery. Recovery time is also faster, so you return to your daily activities sooner. If you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, you are most likely a candidate for PerioLase. Once you have had gum disease, it is common to
experience a relapse. Consider PerioLase as a safe alternative to traditional periodontal surgery, and ask us if PerioLase LANAP is the best option for you.